Deso Face & Body

Fat Dissolving Treatment


What is Deso Face and Body Fat Dissolving Treatment?

Deso face and body is a state of the art fat dissolving product, which is injected directly through the skin into the fat pockets which can be caused by hereditary, hormonal or gender problems.

The active ingredient is Deso face and body is Deoxycholic Acid, and Deso have developed two different concentrations to be used in the face or body areas.


How does Deso face and body work?

Deso face and body works by destroying fat cells in targeted areas, these injections are also known as Lipolytic injection. They damage the fat cell membranes and liquify the fat present in the treated area. This then enters the lymphatic system and is excreted naturally by the body.

Is Deso face and body suitable for everyone?

Not everyone is suitable for Deso face and body treatment, these treatments are contra-indicated in:

Pregnancy / Breastfeeding

Acute or untreated Hormonal Disorders

Advanced Organ Disease

Severe Autoimmune Disease


Active Infection

Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Allergies to any of the ingredients


Where can Deso face and body fat dissolving be used?

Some of the areas Deso face and body is most used are:

Chin (double chin) and Jowls

Arms ‘bingo wings’



Inner Thighs

Back or Bra folds



Who should administer Deso face and body?

Only medically trained Practitioners such as Doctor or Nurses should administer Deso face and body. The treatment is considered safe if administered by trained staff who are qualified to assess a patients medical history.

Are you considering a fat dissolving treatment?

Contact us and we would be happy to discuss this treatment and answer any further questions you may have.