It’s a good question and one that only you can answer for yourself!
As Practitioners, here at Opal and Garnet, we want you to make your own decisions. Therefore when you have a consultation with us, we will describe and explain the treatment options based on your concerns. We have many clients of all ages and appearances, and generally when a customer comes to us, they have a concern already. Therefore we can see how we can help you, after all, you wouldn’t have approached us initially if it wasn’t something that was bothering you.
Clients also have different needs and desires, for example some clients just want to replace lost volume or retain a youthful appearance, whereas other clients may want definition and for the treatment to be noticeable in the structure of their face. Some even come just for the experience!
Therefore, what we are saying is that anyone can opt for a treatment (of legal age of course), however we would never say you ‘need’ one or use that word at all, it is more about if you choose to have one for a specific reason, we can help you with your objective and hopefully send you away feeling great.